Publications and Technical Reports
- [New!] Y.-F. Luo, A. Rumshisky, M. Gronas. Catching the Red Priest: Using Historical Editions of Encyclopedia Britannica to Track the Evolution of Reputations. The 9th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities. ACL-IJCNLP 2015. Beijing, China.
- M. Gronas. What is a Semantic Edition? The Russian Bible and the Evolution of Digital Representation of Cultural Heritage. International Workshop on The Bible and Russian Culture. Ca'Foscari University of Venice. 2014.
- M. Gronas, A. Rumshisky. Mapping the History of Knowledge: Text-Based Tools and Algorithms for Tracking the Development of Concepts. NEH HD-51128-10 Final performance report. 2013.
- M. Gronas, A. Rumshisky, A. Gabrovski, S. Kovaka, H. Chen. Tracking the History of Knowledge Using Historical Editions of Encyclopedia Britannica. Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and Tools for Processing Cultural Heritage Objects. LREC 2012. Istambul, Turkey.
- A. Gabrovski. Knowevo and Gravebook: Tracking the History of Knowledge. 2012. An Undergraduate Thesis, Dartmouth College. Hanover, NH.